Step Five • Choose passwords & users

9. Completing base system installation

  1. Passwords & users
  2. Get packages
  3. Choose software
  4. Install boot loader
9. Completing base system installation

9a. Passwords and users

Wait patiently while your PC does some work.


At a certain point you'll be asked for a password:

Root password

During the installation of your web server you will be prompted for a password several times. If you install the system at home for experimental purposes, security will probably not be an issue. In that case you may use the same password for everything. If you use different passwords, be sure to make notes.

Type your password and write it down! Hit Enter.

Repeat password

Repeat your root password. Hit Enter.


Type your own or any name for the first user and write it down! Hit Enter.


The username for New User may be hounddog or strawcats or whatever, but make sure you remember it.

Type a username and hit Enter.


Type a password for the new user, write it down and hit Enter.

Repeat password

Repeat the password and hit Enter.

9b. Get packages

Now you must tell the installer where to get data:


Choose a location close to your own and hit Enter.

Select a mirror

Select any mirror and hit Enter. You'll be asked if you need a HTTP Proxy:


No proxy, so don't type anything. Just hit Enter. Now your PC will do some work.


Wait patiently until you're invited to take part in a survey:


<No> is already selected, and no indeed: let’s not take part in a survey. Hit Enter.

9c. Choose software

You'll see a screen inviting you to choose software. An asterisk * means certain software is selected. Web servers should run headless, without desktop environment.

Desktop yes

Deselect the option Desktop environment by hitting the spacebar. The asterisk * will disappear:

Desktop no

Only leave the * for Standard system selected and hit the Tab key to go to <Continue>:


Hit Enter. Your PC will go back to work and install the chosen software:


9d. Install boot loader

The last item to be installed is the boot loader, a guy named GRUB:


The question is: do we want GRUB to be installed?

Yes, we do. With <Yes> selected, hit Enter.

We’re almost there:


Now when you see this screen:


... first remove the CD from the drive and after that, with <Continue> selected, hit Enter.

The base system has been installed. Time to move on to the next page.

Drag this box to where you want it
vi | shell
command action command action
su become superuser rm foo delete file foo
ls show files & directories rmdir foo delete directory foo
ls -a show invisible items too rm -rf foo delete dir foo + content
ls -l show long names chmod change permissions
ls -la show long and invisible chmod 755 foo set 755 for foo
cd change directories vi /etc/foo open file foo in vi
cd / go to root directory apt-get install get and install application
cd /etc go to etc via root tar -xzvf extract zip file
cd /tmp go to temp via root exit finish terminal session
/etc/init.d/restart apache2 restart the Apache server
/etc/init.d/status apache2 show if the Apache server is running
shutdown -h now shutdown the system immediately
shutdown -r shutdown and reboot the system
vi | shell
<= keyboard hits => action
  i   insert (start editing)
  arrows   move around
  backspace   delete to the left
  delete   delete to the right
  esc   stop editing
esc :w enter stop editing, save changes and keep vi open
esc :wq enter stop editing, save changes and exit vi
esc :q enter stop editing, exit vi without saving


vi & shell
